Low Carb Living Is Easier Than You Think


For the past 15 months I've been on a journey into low carb living.  It started with the desire to drop blood sugars into an acceptable range, as well as drop fat.  I felt so sick, physically dragging, constantly tired, and wanted better.  My joints hurt all the time due to inflammation from sugars and carbs, as well as excess weight and pressure on the joints.  I didn't fit into many office chairs with arms due to my behind and hips being excessively large.  

Before starting on the low carb diet/lifestyle, I did a lot of reading.  I read through books by Dr. Jason Fung, Dr. Robert Lustig, and Dr. Ken Berry, as well as listened to the three on their respective YouTube channels.  I read through a book on keto diet and recipes called Dirty Lazy Keto, which sounded appealing.  

With research in hand, I jumped in full bore, giving up sugars, grains, beans, and other carb laden foods immediately.  No slow going into the lifestyle.  The first days were tough, as much as I don't like to admit it, but with plenty of fluids and low carb snacks, I made it.  

So far, 15 months of ups and downs, I've made it farther down the low carb road.  About 3 months in to the journey, July of 2023,  I had this picture taken before going to work.

In June of this year, I took this at Subway, again before work.  

Granted bathrooms aren't exactly my favorite spots for photos, but I don't have a mirror at home beyond the bathroom sink mirror.  

If you're interested in a lower carb life, stick around! 

Low carb diets range from 10 grams to around 100 grams of carbs per day.  Keto falls in the lower range, approximately 10-30 grams of carbs on average, some go a tiny bit higher.  Carnivore goes down to 0 carbs, and ketovore goes into a combination of both keto and carnivore, leaning mostly toward a meat only diet.  If you've heard of Atkins from way back in the day, you've heard of a low carb diet.  

what does a low carb diet consist of?  Low to no grains...bread, rice, wheat, barley, oats, etc.  Low to no legumes due to the high carb count.  Low carb veggies and fruits, leaving out things like corn, peas, potatoes, high sugared fruits such as pineapple, peaches, cherries, sweet apples, etc.  High fat content food is a mainstay in low carb/carnivore/keto diets, such as butter, ghee, lard, coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, fatty meats, fish, eggs, and more.  This goes against everything we were taught in past years by our government agencies and dietitians proficient in the diets by the American Diabetes Association and American Heart Association.  This is far from an extensive view into low carb living, but a general idea of what is involved.  

I personally have stopped any calorie counting.  I don't care what the calorie count is on anything I eat or drink.  I do care about carb content, ingredients, fat grams, and protein content.  In the past months I've learned to shop on the outter aisles of the stores, with the items as close to whole as possible.  Granted I don't buy the whole chicken or cow, but I buy the least processed I can find.  It's nothing to buy several dozen eggs at once, many pounds of meat when it's on sale, the lowest carb veggies in the produce aisle, frozen berries from the freezer section.  I have learned to lean away from keto branded foods, like bread or tortillas, as they contain resistant wheat starch as the first ingredient.  I'm sure they work for others, but for me the blood sugar spikes aren't worth the extra cost associated with the keto labels.  It's easier for me to just simply avoid bread or tortillas, or if the craving is too much, have a slice of bread with a no sugar nut butter, such as almond butter or low sugar peanut butter.  It takes the craving away, gives the sensation of having a sandwich, lessens the spike when paired with a protein and fat, and life moves on.  

For what it's worth, I have yet to spend any time in a gym.  I work 2 overnight 12 hour shift and one 12 hour evening shift, and between sleeping and family needs, there's no gym involvement.  I don't do intentional exercise, and if I'm running you should follow or pass me because there's something dangerous behind me!  I walk funny already, as neuropathy has taken hold of the toes due to high blood sugars for too long.  But, that has been arrested, and the pain and tingling has subsided as long as I keep to the low carb side.  Joint pain from arthritis has considerably lessened with low carb living, and while I use a cane for longer distances, walking has gotten better.  At the beginning of the journey, I was getting to where I was sourcing a walker and wheeled walker.  I still have these but have not used them.  

Low carb living isn't the easiest way to go, but it's worth it in my opinion.  There are times I miss an occasional Snickers bar, but honestly it's not worth the pain and high blood sugar that comes with it.  I enjoy eating until satisfied, having high fat and savory foods, and not worrying about calories.  I love snacking on healthy foods like nuts and seeds, low carb fruits and veggies, and not feeling guilt for eating as I had in the past.  

If you've been thinking about trying a lower carb diet, why not jump in and see how it works for you?  It's not scary, and while you're working at it, you might find it works well for you.  You'll find new recipes and learn how to rework old ones to suit your needs.  I've shared links on the left side of the screen (if you're reading by laptop/desktop) that can be of assistance.  I fully expect to continue discussing keto/low carb/carnivore living here as well.  This has been the best diet/life style I've tried, and I've been on diets off and on since I was 5 years old...41 years.  This is actually...doable.  Sustainable.  

Feel free to comment below with your ideas, or share with anyone who might be interested.  I'd love to hear your opinions and ideas!  If you've already tried low carb/keto, I'd love to hear how it worked or didn't work for you.  

You all have a great rest of your day, and I'll see you again soon!



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